Friday, August 04, 2006

Caffeine Found

Pun intended on Milton's "Paradise Lost", God, that had to be the crappiest, sheemot for a poem that I ever had to read in HS. (For those who don't know the poem and are curious to know about it without having to read the whole thing see wikipedia's summary) If truth be known that was one of the times I didn't bother to even read an assignment through. The exams were open book, so when questions were asked about that poem on the exam I just skimmed through the important parts and answered the questions.
As all can see I've sobered up, caffeine has definitely infiltrated my body... In the form of homemade choc-vanilla marbled cake - complete with choc icing. YUM! I can feel the traces of caffeine forcing its way through my veins....
It's so not a cappuccino though. I'm going to forget about my inbox and focus my energies on my TOP secret PROJECT. It's coming along nicely and I simply can't wait for the finished result!
On the subject of HS though.. tomorrow I have intentions to check and see if my diploma came, if so it might not be too late to pull some wasta strings and slam dunk myself into that uni this september. There's no such thing as impossible!


Bookworm said...

Marilena shall be enlightened with this new piece of top secret information. I can see your guilty, caffiene dreaming eyes. They shall be met with Marilena's angry eyes and the results will be known in a couple of hours.

Top Secret Project. I am setting out my sherlock holmes hounds to pry about in a certain place in shj. A picture of a house shall be given to them to sniff before releasing them in the suspected district.

Out & Over.

El Hazard said...

You wouldn't dare...

Bookworm said...

Watch me.