Monday, October 22, 2007

أحبة قلبي

I feel so out of the loop in lots of things that I used to do and love.. Maybe now would be better than any other time to start doing those things again.
I visited inshadcom and found two new albums. I feel a familiar bit of excitement over one of them (ياليل). It is the second to a tape I have called "دويتو", two of my favorite munshids are in it - Ahmad AlHajiri and Hamad AlJabiri. Bonus for this one aside from those two, Ahmad AlRidwan and Hamood AlKhudr are in. One of the nasheeds on the second tape (from what I heard in the demo) has hindi lyrics.. Sounds like they did a good job (both the eqa3 and mueetherat versions sound amazing), I can't wait to go to the store and get it [sighs] one day..inshalla.
The other new album is called "أحبة قلبي ". There are a few clips on the demo that I liked, but I can tell already that it'll be one of "those tapes" (the kind I buy and only end up liking one or two nasheed off it). Ah well, what can I do? It's impossible to like everything isn't it...

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