Its been a while since I posted anything. I feel vaguely bad about that, but so not in the mood to rectify the matter. For now I'll leave you ppl with a picture of my new kitten, Captain Awesome. (The monkey off to the side is his - I think I'm going to name it too... O'malley. )
That's so cute :) If you need help with the kitten (like knowing what's up with the mood swings or blah) let me know. I had a cat too. A word of advice: Kittens always fall sick every now and then (mine used to)...just make sure he/she gets his shots on time to prevent the sickness from creeping in. Happy Awesome-ing :)
Thanx dear ;)
I've raised 3 other kittens before but if anything arises that i'm unfamiliar with I'll be sure to ask ya ;)
Gratz on the new cat...
hope it makes ya feel jus right ... ;)
Thanx =)
what's cap'n awesome up to lately? still hyperactive?
'Hyperactive' is a SERIOUS understatement. Cappie is literally bouncing off the walls!
Lol! Cute.
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