Friday, July 13, 2007

Anime of the Week

Uploading is a "chalba" (I'd be in heaven if I had cable net!) but I guess its not that bad since I am already online and can do other things as the files upload - it just boils down to my impatient nature (I'm spoiled by technology and the faster things get done with new
technology the more spoiled I become =$) ah well...
So anyways, this post I'm also going to add to the sidebar and update it every week or so with a new anime ep for "direct download". Of course the ep of this week will be Zombie Loan ;)
For you guys benefit..and probably partly for my own sanity, I split up the ep into 121 little chunks. I then zipped them with WinRAR - 24 chunks per rar file, with the exception of the last group that had 25 chunks. You'll need to download this file splitter software - it's free and super easy. Once you have all of the zipped groups in one folder (and unzipped them) then u just go to the file splitter thingie and choose "Join files".. I'm totally in love with the simplicity of it all hohoho =D
I am using Send Space (an old fave) to upload the files and will post them here as they finish uploading. I think that should be everything, to the main course we go!
Zombie Loan [121 FS chunks in 5 zipped files] - 13.07.07
Enjoy ^_^


Bookworm said...

I so get u - I'm the same, I can't stand 'slow' technology. Talk about spoiled, huh?

wow..that musta been a lotta work! thanks =) If u say its good, then I'll give it a try.

El Hazard said...

U r welcomed ;)