Monday, December 15, 2008

Kiss of the Ages

Here's the pitch.....

'This is a farewell kiss, you dog,this is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq.' - What the thrower reportedly said. LOL... Bushie is lucky though, I sincerely doubt any of the US army mothers of sons/daughters that lost lives over there for this stupid pointless war would have been so gracious.

More shoes, Less guns, I say! That honestly made my day. Har har! I really hope Obama does a better job of representing the US, and that the arse wipes allow him to do so.


Halawa said...

Salamz there!

Yes it is a kiss that'll always be remembered lol!

"More shoes, Less guns, I say"... you got that right!

El Hazard said...

Wa alaykum salam =)

Lol, thanx for passing ;)

Anonymous said...

You think shoes as weapons are a middle-eastern thing?

El Hazard said...

Hmm, we grew up throwing shoes at each other and I never thought of it as an arab thing. More like a convenient resort when the person u want to slap is outta slapping range lol ;)

My Grandma used to throw shoes.. but then again she threw anything that she could get her hands on if u pissed her off to that point.

Ruby Woo said...

the perfect finale for the bush era!

El Hazard said...
