Well, I've just recieved another rejection letter from a publishing agency. I suppose it's a good thing they make one wait so long for a reply (4 months!) cuz by now I had already forgotten I was supposed to be awaiting their reply and the rejection doesn't sting as much as I know it would have if they had replied when I was still fresh in waiting. Ah well, everything happens for a reason, neh?
I spent the second night in a row last night watching Grey's Anatomy. It is really really good. I had no idea. I remember my friends telling me to watch it and then I remember wiki-ing it or whatever and finding out it was a medical drama but their practice was a veterinarian clinic, that kinda made it sound less appealing thinking these ppl were animal docs. Dont get me wrong, I love animals and all, I just wouldnt wanna watch a whole medical show about them.
Gosh, I'm tired. I've been sleeping an awful lot lately. I suspect my sugar level is extremely low, I ought to go have it checked. Anywayz, as much as I'd like to watch a few eps of GA I'll have to go to bed since I have an interview bright and early tomorrow morning....
hey n3mah!
Ramadan Mubarak to you, too! Been browsing your bloggy (missed bumping into you at uni!!) and noticed this post! I really do think you should have yourself checked out! Recently, a very good friend of mine was told that she suffers from insulin resistance, which happens to be a precursor to diabetes. She let me know right away because I had been suffering a lot of the symptoms she was...
inshaAllah, you don't actually have ne thing serious, but if you do, better to know right away, right :D Please take care of yourself,
the twinkaloolies
Hey =)
It's been a long time.. Haha, I may have withdrawn from this semester, but I am so going to haunt the halls ;)
I am planning to go to the doc inshallah.
Take Care
(Lol it still baffles me how u guys sign off as the twinkies. I try to imagine the two of u sitting at the comp at the same time, writing together. Then I think yeah, not possible, but than it is equally weird to imagine just one of u sitting there and referring to urself as the twinkies. lol, I ought to write a book about a set of twins ;) )
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